Development Blog

Bugs and enhancements
Trim and Capitalize!

A new version of Tourder should be available soon for Android. It comes with a set of improvements, including but not limited to the way icons are rendered, way in which virtual locations are written (automatic trim of trailing spaces and capitalization). It also solves an annoying but with city names not recognized (e.g. Firenze is good, Florence is not, Roma is good, Rome is not). This should allows to type a city name in any locale. The downside is a longer time required to fetch data from OpenStreetMap, given a regex is called. However, this also provides more locations for some weird reasons. The progress bar has also been improved. This version of the app is under revisions for iOS as well, so good news may come in the next few days for those of you using iOS (please switch to Android asap).

December 30, 2023.
Dark Mode and Virtual Location
Plan for your next destination!

A new updated version of Tourder is now available for Android. It comes with the possibility of using a dark mode, and the possibility of inputting a location manually, instead of using the device's location.

December 25, 2023.
Beta Testing
Who you gonna call? BugBusters!

Our closed beta has helped us identify a couple of annoying bugs. Updates will follow in the coming days.

November 9, 2023.
Road to 1.0.0
What's there and what's next

At the moment the followign features are planned for version 1.0.0. We are ready to ship our first version, as we are completing a first round of closed beta testing. The App will be released first on Android, with an iOS delivery following in the near future.

  • Retrieval of user's position as city name
  • Fetching of POI data from OpenStreetMap via Turbopass API
  • Fetching of images from Wikipedia
  • Fetching of Wikipedia page based on locale language, if available.
  • Offline storage of liked place, grouped by city.
  • Open location in favorite map app.

November 8, 2023.